Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Leg!

Best one yet!!


If you close your left eye you can see a kitchen in this picture

How many issues does this picture have?

1. Woman in the mirror
2.How many sinks does one bathroom need?
3. Pretty sure that's a banana soap on a rope

Thanks to Dian for sending me this pic

Brand new Washer and Dryer

Notice the front load washing machine

Lonely little table

Optical illusion

View from the top

Enjoy your morning coffee on this balcony


I want to see this house just to peak under the covers. Wonder what it could be.

Wine rack

Special note on listing  "Wine rack not included with sale " shame

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

The best part of my job

The best part of my job by far is seeing the look in my buyers eyes when they have found the home they want to purchase. Sometimes that look comes early in the search sometimes it comes after viewing 60 homes (yes I said 60 ) but almost inevitably there is a look.
This look consists of (and in no particular order)
-A sense of comfort with the home.
-Looking deeper into the home and getting lost in furniture placement thoughts.
-Sometimes they try to disguise this look with a poker face. Must avoid eye contact with the realtor and I must start nit picking the house. "Jen look over here can you believe they didn't use galvanized nails to build this house? " This house is falling apart but I would be willing to take it off their hands, if I had too...
-The deer in the head lights look "Oh god I actually like this house, what do I do?

Once I notice these looks, with a reassuring voice I assure them that it's ok to have these feelings for a home. They are perfectly normal. It happens to everybody.

Then it's my goal to get this home for them.

Don't trip

We're so proud of our steep stairwell


And over to your right we have the top of the fridge.

The Dorm Room

Please come view our flop house. Keggers on Fridays.

what are we trying to sell here?

Or is this an optical illusion ?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Black or white

 It doesn't matter if your black or your white your picture still needs help

Smokers only

Insert fog machine-click. Oh wait stop the fog machine where's that darn level in all this fog?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Look our plant's match our carpet! It's always handy to have carpet in unreachable places. Is that a TV sitting on the ledge? just asking?

One of my favorites

Nope we're not going to make our bed, or put our clothes away but please feel free to take a picture :)

The outcast Chair

I don't know what the chair did but I hope it makes up with the stroller soon. Oh wait strollers plural

Hello Colour!

Enough said!

Bathroom- I think.

Yup this is how the picture appeared on MLS.Wow great skylight!

For sale, really?

Found this lovely picture on MLS. I won't even comment about the lawn.

Nice Fan!

What's the first thing you notice in this picture? the hardwood floors? vaulted ceiling? maybe the large window? nope the big black fan.